Glass skin. Cloud skin. Glazed skin. Poreless canvas.
Skincare is populated with a myriad of beauty standards from the West that tell us what our skin should look like without asking what it needs. Melanin - which gives our skin its beautiful hue even as it protects us, is also what makes our skin different and unique.
Up until now, it has remained a footnote in the conversation of beauty. But now, it’s time to step out of the shadows and reclaim its spot.
Asaya’s journey began when our Co-founder, Eeti Sharma, woke up one day to adult acne at the age of 35. When neither expert counsel nor European products brought her reprieve, Eeti discovered that the context of her dusky skin and its composition was missing from the skincare imagination, conversation, and consequently, formulation altogether. She realised that her melanin-rich skin needed care different from complexions of the West. Skin like ours needs gentler nourishing actives. More robust sun protection. Lush, deep moisturisation since it’s prone to drying out.
Melanin-first and uniquely ours
Asaya is a love letter to all our unique shades of Melanin. We create researched, dermatologically and clinically tested, high-performance skincare that’s rooted in giving our melanin-rich skin the extra love that it deserves.
Catering to skin-deep hydration for hyperpigmentation, acne, lower moisture retention, care for oily skin and other sensorial parameters, this is skincare especially crafted for our exquisitely melanated skin.

Our skin is our body’s home. Indelible part of who we are, our history and culture, our ideas of beauty. Our skin is a canvas that our experiences play out on.
Through my growing years, I wrestled with my relationship with beauty and how narrowly the world around me defined it. And much of the (unsolicited) advice I received was directed at my skin colour, not its health.
For something we all look at so closely, I discovered we don’t know our skin. We don’t yet appreciate how unique our skin actually is.
I found out — at 36 — that my skin’s composition, nature, and needs are driven by a pigment called Melanin. Melanin sets us apart, and plays a crucial role in how our skin protects us in our subcontinental environment.
Asaya was born out of the need to claim Melanin’s due time in the sun and in the spotlight. To ensure skincare is formulated for skin like yours and mine. To take space as different, unique skin tones in conversations about beauty and well-being.
Asaya is a celebration of who we are and who we will be. A toast to our multi-hued multitudes. Asaya is a word for that moment we step out of the shadows and bask in the light.
By sharing my journey, I hope to inspire all of us to embrace our skin, give it the love we deserve, and revel in our inimitable beauty, just as we are.

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